3 ways to support the immune system as we transition into cooler weather this fall

Together, let’s prioritize our immune systems as the seasons change.

It’s hard enough to say goodbye to the warm, easy-going days of summer. Now that fall is here, we know the last thing you want to do is stay home because you’re sick.

So, how come people get sick more often during the fall and winter months?

Cooler weather tends to reduce the body's ability to build a strong immune system.

Here are three ways you can add immune support to your daily or weekly self-care routine:

1. Get quality rest so your body can recover properly

Your body fights infection, heals the immune system, and recovers your muscles while you sleep.

While getting an adequate amount of sleep seems like a luxury, there are many ways to improve the quality of your sleep.

Exercise and quality of sleep are highly correlated. And, minimizing caffeine and alcohol intake throughout the day can lead to more restful sleep.

Regardless of your lifestyle or exercise routine, flotation therapy has also been proven to improve the quality of sleep.

How? While you float, your mind may drift off to a state where it produces theta waves, signaling a deep sense of relaxation.

After floating, it’s easier for your mind and body to channel that level of relaxation at bedtime.

2. Challenge your body to adapt to contrasting temperatures

Switching between hot and cold temperatures encourages your body to produce white blood cells that help you fight infection and sickness.

There are many other benefits to contrasting temperatures, including increased circulation, reduced inflammation, and elevated mood levels.

We know how nice a hot, steamy shower can be, but next time, we encourage you to explore cold temperatures in the middle or at the end of your shower.

Studies show, that if you add 90 seconds of cold water to your daily shower routine, then it can reduce sick days by 30%.

Contrast Therapy using a sauna and cold plunge can be much more effective than a contrasting shower.

At Hope Floats, we have two infrared saunas that provide a gentle, soothing heat that goes through the body and into the bones without heating the air around you (like a traditional steam sauna does).

We also have a chilly, 45-degree cold bath for you to submerge yourself into during your sauna session.

A typical Contrast Therapy routine involves 10-15 minutes in the sauna, then 2-3 minutes in the cold plunge. You can alternate between the two for 30 or 45 minutes.

3. Make sure you supplement the body with vitamins

We can get a tremendous amount of vitamins from our diet. An apple a day keeps the doctor away, right?

Fall is a great time to examine what you’ve been eating lately and see how you can squeeze more vitamins into your upcoming meal plan.

Sometimes our digestive systems limit the amount of vitamins the body can absorb from our diet and even oral supplements.

That's why we partnered with ParaDocs Hydration, to bring an all-in-one wellness experience to the Bethesda Community.

Now, before or after your appointment at Hope Floats, you can add a quick IM (intramuscular) injection of Vitamin C. (We have other vitamins available, too!)

Or, you can extend your day at the wellness spa with an IV Vitamin Infusion, that hydrates the body and delivers essential vitamins and minerals to the bloodstream.

Start focusing on caring for your immune system this fall, so you can stay healthy all winter

We’ve only mentioned three ways to add support to your immune system. There are many other ways out there, and we hope you seek advice from your doctor and do your own research, too.

Let’s take a holistic approach to prioritizing your physical and mental health as the seasons change — you deserve a healthy, happy autumn.


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